The Disney Breakdown

With the Disney brand being so massive, I expected nothing less from its Standards of Business Conduct. This thorough, 44 page document shows you the ins and outs of what is considered acceptable and correct when dealing with the Disney brand. It has many similarities as other codes of ethics, such as principles. But, its Standards of Business Conduct differs in more ways than not.

To say that this document is thorough is an understatement. I mean 44 pages? This company has really knows how it wants to be operated down to the T! The length of their code of conduct struck me. Other codes of ethics are not this extensive in length.

The Standards of Business Conduct lean more towards showing the importance of operating by the law, while others touch legal issues and focus more on the values that the company holds. Disney discusses the companies values, but this document focuses on legality.

Disney also includes a lot of graphics. Most of the codes of ethics that I’ve seen don’t have any graphics. Disney includes pictures and diagrams to further illustrate how it will operate its business lawfully.


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